How important are our choices as Christians? Are they Really worth thinking about? In this blog, I'll be walking you through the value of our choices and how they are primarily made to benefit us.
God Gives Us Control
Our choices are the foundation of human nature. Imagine us going through life without choices? Our decisions in life make up how we live and are essentially why the world is run the way it is.
Our decisions are unavoidable; we can't escape them, so let's embrace them. God has given us the gift of free will, to encourage responsibility for our lives, and for us to trust and rely on Him.
How should we, as Christians, make the right choices? We are well aware that choices are first inherited from our thoughts, then reflect through our actions.
As Christians, if we aspire to make successful choices, we need to make sure our choices reflect the right mindset; we need to be continuously filled with God’s word for that to happen.
We cannot depend on ourselves, for our minds fluster and change.
We need to refresh our minds with God's word to focus on his truth and gain a godly mindset. Our actions and decisions should reflect who God is to the world.
Proverbs 4:23~ Carefully guard your thoughts because they're the source of life.
Everything Has A Price
There's an outcome in every decision.
Everything you do on this earth has consequences. We make every choice for a result and what we will get out of it. There's always something in return for everything we do.
Since God has given us the gift to choose freely; when we choose what we want, we also choose what we're receiving. God has given us freedom over our lives, but it doesn't mean we have the right to do as we please whenever we want; Free will is not a free pass. Our choices have consequences.
Every day you are sowing seeds; we have the choice whether we want to plant our seeds in good or bad soil. Our choice makes up what we receive from the world and what we receive from God.
If there were no consequences for what we did, we would use our free will recklessly knowing there would be no outcome towards our choices.
Galatians 6:7~ Make no mistake, God is not mocked. A person will reap what they sow.
Which Side?
One path leads to life, and the other is death.
Which Side? One path leads to life, and the other leads to death. God has made life simple Everything started with God, and it will end with God.
What happens in between is up to us. Every day we're taking a path; our decisions we make tell us where our priorities lie and what we're mostly devoted to. In everything, we do, we are choosing Jesus or the devil, we don't have to willingly bow down to the devil to be heading towards destruction.
If you are pursuing the world, you're pleasing satan as well as living for him. There's no middle ground; you're either on the left or on the right. It's not meant to be complicated, if you're not denying the destructive path, you're choosing it.
It's much easier to go through life having it comfortable than to actually have to deny what your sinful nature loves.
You may not always be aware, but your decisions primarily represent which side you are leaning towards. Jesus will always be alongside us, every step of the way; helping us overcome evil as well as avoiding damaging paths. Jesus has chosen us before we even had the chance to do the same. We know His decision, what's ours?
Proverbs 3:5-6~ With all your heart you must trust the Lord and not yourself. Always let Him lead you and He will clear your road.